Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bill Kristol to Join New York Times, WTF?

The New York Times has made it's share of gaffs in recent years but this one takes the cake. They have just hired Bill Kristol as a regular columnist. Just what are they thinking? Maybe they like controversy. So go for controversy, not utter incompetence from a completely discredited, over-used, has-been pundit. The author Jane Smiley decided to chime in on this issue and I'm with her!

From AlterNet by Jane Smiley:
"Bill Kristol in the NY Times Means I'm Done With the Paper" —

William Kristol is a man whose time has come and gone. There was a moment, in, say 2002, when some of his arguments sounded prudent, if not reasonable. Now, he only sounds crazy. Nothing has turned out as Kristol said it would, and the process of finding this out has cost the American people a great deal, and not only money and lives. Why the New York Times would hire such a person boggles the mind to think of.


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