Sunday, April 1, 2007

Playing a dangerous game

Over the last year or so we've been watching Bush play this game of chicken with Iran. American's are tired of his war mongering — at last. (I, and many liberals like me, never wanted this war.) It is shocking how little thought most American's put into going to war with Iraq. This time may be different. But this brouhaha over the 15 English sailors is disturbing and very dangerous. It echoes the 16 words in the 2003 state of the Union:

“The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa .”

Once again, is England, or rather Tony Blair, being used to instigate a confrontation? This also echoes Israel's venture into Lebanon for it's captured soldier. Did they ever get him back? Did they ever really care about his well-being, or was it all just a rouse for war? Again, we are asking these same kind of questions.

I, for one, am worn out. I don't believe any of it. I think that there has been an agenda to make war in the Middle East (I mean every single country) from the day Bush entered the White House. Some of this is about money, but mostly this is about power. This is not about who has the oil, but who controls the oil. This is insane and there seems to be no stopping the madman on the hill. All we can hope for now is to slow him down, tangle him up with hearings and subpoenas long enough so that he can do as little harm as possible as he is on his way out the door.

The 2008 election is critical for the US. Our next president will need to mend a lot of fences. Our reputation is totally destroyed. We are considered dumb, naive at best, rude, arrogant and backwards. Sometimes I even agree with those sentiments. Please let us pick someone of worth this time. (Actually I believe that the democrats won both 2000 and 2004. That's the subject for another post.)

I would be pleased to see an Edwards/Obama ticket.


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